Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Hard cheese

There comes a time in a man’s life when all he can expect for birthdays is booze, socks and James Bond DVDs. But sometimes, a dad craves something a bit more substantial. It’s time to bring out the big guns.

The Pong Cheese Pong Box is hardcore quattro formaggio. Take note of the write-up:

An awesome selection of our most revered and most feared cheeses. These rogues are not only among are best sellers, they are also our strongest, smelliest and most oozy creations.

This wonderful box of cheese 'superstars of smell' makes a great gift idea but would also be more than suitable to send as an act of revenge!

Each order comes with a warning: they say it's best to make sure that you are in to collect the cheese and claim no responsibility for cheese that's been left to fester on a warm doorstep for a day.

This is where I shoehorn in a gag about revenge being a dish best served cold.

And speaking of Revenge...